
Project in Canada

A new ICDP project was started in Toronto, Canada, in cooperation with the Ethiopian and Eritrean diaspora church members. It was initiated by Atnaf Berhanu ICDP trainer from Norway.

“At the end of September 2022, about 65 Ethiopian and Eritrean parents attended the ICDP parental guidance workshop over a period of seven days. All parents showed a lot of interest and held lively group discussions. At the end of the course, they gave good feedback and unanimously agreed that for them it was important to work on maintaining good quality interactions with their children and that ICDP was therefore of great help to them.

Photo: facilitators during virtual training

Another positive result of this work was that 10 individuals registered themselves for ICDP Facilitator level online training. It was agreed to hold meetings on Zoom once a week, each meeting lasting 3 hours. Due to very different time zone between Canada and Norway, we could not have more than that. So far, they have covered part one of the training. We agreed to continue with the second part of the training after the New year.” – Atnaf Berhanu.


Course for parents in Ethiopia

From an update by Atnaf Berhanu, ICDP trainer:

After two years of restrictions due to the pandemic, the developments of ICDP in Ethiopia started again in August 2022. A workshop was given to the board members of the Ethiopian Mulu Wongel Church and to the leaders of the West Arsi and Shashemene Sub-Region Churches. The workshop aimed to raise awareness about the ICDP programme and its significance for Ethiopia.

Photo: A new group of trainee facilitators.

In November 2022, a new group of future facilitators began to receive ICDP training. The first workshop was held in the town of Shashemene, in the south of Ethiopia.  Atnaf will continue their training in 2023.


International conference in Nepal

Report by Doji Pradhan, ICDP trainer, ICDP Nepal:

ECEC/ICDP Nepal organized a 3-day conference in Nepal, which took place in Kathmandu, from 9th to the 11th of November 2022. The theme for the conference was, “Reactivating human care and improving lives through ICDP” because this parenting programme has changed individuals, families, and communities through its powerful psycho–emotional tool.

The objective was to network, support each other and share experiences and learnings not just with participants from Nepal but also with neighbouring countries who are implementing this programme. Besides participants from Nepal, the conference was attended by representatives from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Norway and Thailand. The 3-day sessions covered a vast range of topics through special sessions, workshops, panel discussion and keynote speakers.

The first day of the conference was attended by ICDP Facilitators and trainers who came from many different parts of Nepal. The conference was at the same time an annual ICDP network meeting. It was also attended by guests from local areas, as well as from other countries.  In all, there were 237 participants. Local and international experts covered the following topics: ICDP in Mental Health; ICDP in Education; ICDP in special need; ICDP in Families.

The last two days were attended by delegates from different organizations in Nepal and by delegates from those regional countries who have been implementing ICDP.

The second day was attended by 79 participants and it started with a keynote speech by Sumnima Tuladhar, (ED from CWIN Nepal) on the 3 Ps of child rights set by the UN.  A workshop on ICDP implementation strategies was led by Heidi Steel, chair of ICDP Norway and its main focus was to help take ICDP forward in respective countries.

The keynote speaker on the third day was Ane-Marthe Solheim Skar, researcher and ICDP Foundation board member. She presented a review of the research findings related to ICDP. There were 61 participants on the third day.

The conference was closed with discussions and reflection on learnings from the 3 days. In the afternoon, guests from outside Nepal were given a brief city tour and the closing of the event included a special dinner.

Overall, the conference was successful to meet its objective and all the participants were enthusiastic to take ICDP forward in their respective area of work and countries.


Live webcasting in China

Jin Qin, the ICDP China leader, explains:

During 2022, our ICDP work in China has been quite challenging. Many planned workshops and trainings had to be postponed or even cancelled because of the Covid-19 restrictions.

To keep the work moving forward, ICDP China first livestreamed on its video account on August 8, 2022, and since then we livestreamed 17 times. The first live broadcast had 640 viewers, whereas the highest number of viewers was 1,296, and the lowest was 70.

As it can be seen from this, ICDP China is gradually increasing its promotion efforts through webcasting. The live webcast keeps the relaxing and natural style of ICDP training. Bullet screen comments are responded to in a timely manner during the live webcast, and there are frequent interactions with viewers.

Some people commented happily on the bullet screen:

The live webcast is so good,  you can watch the playback at home even if you can’t come in person.


Three versions of ICDP printed in El Salvador

In the El Salvador two versions of the ICDP programme are being used: the original version for parents of young children and the new version for parents of adolescents.

In addition, the material of a third and newest version of the ICDP programme, which is designed for use by adolescents to act as facilitators to other adolescents, i.e., peer-to-peer, was made ready for printing during 2022. The review process of these materials has been completed by the autumn of 2022 and the printing will be completed by the end of the year. The design of the backpack (mochila) which contains the peer-to-peer version of ICDP has also been finalized.

Several young people were involved in the process of formulating and finalizing of the peer-to-peer version. They showed a lot of enthusiasm and excitement about the ICDP process and expressed willingness to become ICDP facilitators to their peers. The newest version of ICDP with its adapted materials will be used in 2023, in a pilot project whose aim is to test out and evaluate the application of the peer-to-peer programme.

Online training

Online training has been used successfully by trainers and facilitators in El Salvador. Face to face and virtual training are combined, with some advantages and disadvantages of each method. Through virtual training a greater number of people is being reached by the programme, whereas face to face training has deeper impact, through sharing, listening, and bonding. In 2022, staff of ISNA has been training with both versions of the ICDP programme (version for parents of younger children and for parents of adolescents) in this way. The aim is to work towards continuity, so parents are given both versions of the ICDP programme as their children grow up. The whole ICDP programme is in a digitalized format and this was mainly produced by ISNA but UNICEF helped to review it. Facilitators and trainers are using the digitalized material in their own training, as well as when training others. The digitalized version of materials contributes to sustainability. Families are given a link to an app with ICDP materials. It is possible that in future ISNA may share this app with others in Latin America.

New law and parenting programme in the country

For over ten year, Instituto Salvadoreño para el Desarrollo Integral de la Niñez y la Adolescencia (ISNA) has been the key organization responsible for rolling out the ICDP programme nationwide in El Salvador – and in order to facilitate this process ICDP had become institutionalized by ISNA several years ago. In 2022 a new law was passed by the government regarding children’s rights and one of the repercussions of the new law is that ISNA will cease to exist. From January 2023, a new institution will replace ISNA, although most of the work ISNA has been doing will continue as part of the new institution. During the year, the office of the First Lady has been conducting a survey with parents mapping home practices in order to ascertain how parents interact at home. This was done in view of the government aiming to standardize a parenting programme for the country. UNICEF and ISNA are working on including ICDP as part of the new parenting programme established by the government.


ICDP starts in the Ivory Coast

A new training project in the ICDP programme was started in Bondoukou and Tanda, in the Ivory Coast. This is a new initiative by Save the Children (SC).

The Ivory Coast represents the seventh country in which SC are applying the ICDP programme, as a central part of the implementation of SC’s Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) programme.

The new ICDP project will be rolled out by social actors, SC staff and the staff of its Rising Sun partner.

The first ICDP workshop was held in October 2022 and it was conducted by ICDP trainers Alimata Sidibe and Aubin Sanou, who were both trained earlier by Nicoletta Armstrong. Click here to read the workshop report in French.


ICDP in the care of older people in Norway

Update by Line Constance Holmsen, November 2022.

The implementation of ICDP in the care for older persons in Nursing Homes in Norway has been steadily progressing, despite a long period of having to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since 2018, ICDP and the VID Specialized University have been cooperating with the nursing home called “Grefsenhjemmet” situated in Oslo.

The cooperation started with the training and certification of employees who could then facilitate the ICDP courses to their colleagues. So far, more than 70 of their nursing staff have been participating in ICDP courses, including the night nursing staff. 

One of the leaders at Grefsenhjemmet, Ingrid Blokhus, describes the ICDP work in this way:

“ ICDP is a practical course that focuses on relational competence and person-centred care. Our international nursing staff has many unique relational competencies that are valued, and accessed, through the ICDP process. Through active learning and by putting words to practice, these unique competencies are better connected to the Norwegian language, enriching and enhancing the quzlity of the care our residents receive and experience. “  

Photo is showing a group of nursing staff at Grefsenhjemmet in Oslo, including Emilan Barbu, the group facilitator, and Line Constance Holmsen, the representative for ICDP Norway and VID Specialized University.


ICDP in the Åland Islands

From the update by two ICDP trainers Klara Schauman-Ahlberg and Petra Zilliacus, who have trained staff from social services in the Åland Islands in Finland, we are informed that twenty people completed their ICDP basic training – see photo above. They received their certificates on the 22nd of November 2022, on the same day as their ICDP colleagues in Helsinki received their trainer diplomas.

“This engaged group of different social professionals in family interventions received, at the same time, the first snow and the final two days of training. We had some wonderful time together, shared many stories and pondered what positive caregiving looks like in practice.” – Petra Zilliacus.


New ICDP trainers in Finland

On 22nd of November 2022, a group of nine Finnish professionals received their ICDP Trainer level diplomas – on photo above.

The training of this new group started in 2021 and it was organized on the initiative of Hanna Sellergren, from the Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters who has been involved with ICDP for many years and who is herself an ICDP trainer.

The new ICDP trainers are currently overseeing the roll out of the ICDP programme by facilitators in Helsinki, Turku, Lahti and Kokkola. The trainers formed over thirty facilitators who in turn are reaching out to over hundred families. This work is taking place under the umbrella of the Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters, an ICDP partner organization with over ten years of ICDP experience –

This ICDP work is targeting vulnerable families and children, focusing primarily on offering psychosocial assistance to women and their young children who visit or stay at their centres.

The certification workshop was held in the Sopukka centre, situated close to Helsinki and it was held by Nicoletta Armstrong from ICDP, who commented:

“This was a very pleasant workshop, since the whole group showed deep understanding, sensitivity, and enthusiasm for the ICDP programme. They reported about their projects which consisted of providing full ICDP training to new groups of facilitators. This new group of trainers represent a real asset to ICDP. Their professionalism, dynamic participation and sense of fun enriched the workshop and they brought many meaningful examples from their work and private lives. Congratulations to our new team of trainers, we wish you all the best in your future work!”


Potential new cooperation in Spain

Pau Gomes, the director of the Emotional Wellbeing Area, at the Nous Cims Foundation, contacted Nicoletta Armstrong, ICDP chair to discuss possible future cooperation. There is interest in learning about ICDP by observing the work of ICDP in European context, and eventually starting projects together in Spain. Both organizations are emphasizing the importance of working on the emotional aspects in human relations and this among other, was a good point of reference in these early discussions.

In addition, there could be plans for shared work in Colombia, a country where both Nous Cims and ICDP operate. As a first step, the ICDP Colombia chair, Carmen Lucia Andreade, met up with Maria Chalaux and Jessica Corpas, from Nous Cims on 16th November. The meeting was held in Bogota, Colombia during which the essential aspects of the ICDP programme were presented, as well as sharing ideas about possible cooperation.

Nous Cims Foundation is a non-profit entity, that was founded in Barcelona, Spain in 2015. It creates and develops innovative, transforming and sustainable social projects in the areas of employabilityemotional well-being and global development, with the objective of having an impact on the most vulnerable people, especially women, young people and children, in both the most immediate environment and in emerging countries.

Their mission is: Being a vehicle for generating long-lasting added value by supporting projects that have an impact on people in the areas of employability, emotional well-being and global development for the purpose of contributing to build a better world.

Nous Cims created the KOMTÜ Programme that promotes emotional and relational well-being of children in preschool and primary schools. The aim is to improve the emotional well-being of children by offering training and support to the teaching team over a period of 3 years. They are currently working in 14 schools in Barcelona.

They also have the KOA Programme that works with adolescents in the area of mental health prevention through experiences connected to their interests such as theatre, music, sports and adventure.