2025: Study of ICDP in context of nursing homes for older people
2024: Study of ICDP impact on parenting behaviour based on direct observation
2023: Study of ICDP impact in the care of older people
2022: Evaluation report in Somalia
2022: Assessment of ICDP in Zambia
2022: A review of ICDP research
2022: RCT study of the effectiveness of ICDP in Norway
2022: Reporting on child maltreatment by children and parents
2022: Evaluation of ICDP impact in the US
2022: Study in the Philippines of the impact of ICDP on children
2022: Study in Nepal of the impact of ICDP on children
2021: Study in Norway finds ICDP has positive impact
2020: Research about impact of ICDP in Swedish schools
2020, Link to published research study of the Wawa Illari project in Peru: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2020.567900
2019, Peru project report
2019, Nepal parenting study report
2018, USA evaluation results
2018, ICDP in public health sector in Norway
2017, Norwegian study of ICDP with asylum seekers
2017, Mozambique study regarding malnourished children
2017, Lebanon study of ICDP in schools
2017, ICDP evaluation matrix
2017, ICDP and violence prevention in Choco, Colombia
2016, Study of ICDP in Colombia
2016, Russia study of ICDP with parents
2015, USA study – translated into Spanish
2015, USA study of beneficiary caregivers
2015, study of ICDP in South Africa
2015, master student study, Bangladesh
2015, Norwegian study of ICDP
2015, abstract of doctoral thesis on ICDP
2014-2015, USA study of ICDP
2014, study of ICDP in prisons
2014, Mozambique study of caregivers
2014, ICDP with mothers from minority ethnic groups
2014, ICDP with mothers and fathers in Norway
2014, ICDP with new immigrant population in Norway
2013, Save the Children study of ICDP in Pernambuco
2013, ICDP with fathers in Norway
2013, ICDP in context of sports in Norway (in Norwegian)
2013, ICDP in sports (English translation)
2013, ICDP as a community wide parenting programme
2011, Norwegian Ministry evaluation of ICDP
2010, UNICEF Colombia sponsored study
2010-2012, Case study of Colombian project
2007, Swedish univeristy evaluation
2007, Paraguay caregivers of institutionilized children
2007, ICDP with ex guerrilla fighters
2005, ICDP in 123 municipalities of Boyaca
2005, ICDP in 64 municipalities of Narino
2004, ICDP with displaced families in Antioquia
2004, Colombia, Narino study – English summary
2000, Macedonia evaluation report
2000, Angola study of ICDP with teachers
1996, ICDP study in poor community of Jamundi, Colombia
1992, Bergen research study
Simple field guideline for ICDP facilitators
Facilitator and trainer monitoring tools
ICDP evaluation questionnaire, Skar, Sherr& Tetzchner, 2012