
Work with the ICDP programme in Botswana

ICDP is being implemented by our partner organization, Ark and Mark. Update from their report:

Since parenting is still crucial in Botswana, Ark and Mark Trust has benefited from financing received from the Department of Social Protection (DSP) to reach additional communities in the nation. ICDP made significant strides in promoting child development in various villages in Botswana. The programme was implemented in Thamaga, Molepolole, Ramotswa, Gabane, and for the first time, Lobatse. Lobatse notably became the first town to self-sponsor its participation in the ICDP.

The Social Welfare & Community Development (S&CD) office of Lobatse Town Council identified the need for a follow-up intervention programme to address the issue of negligent or absent parents affecting street children in Lobatse. They requested theICDP programme for this purpose. Consequently, the town council sponsored the training of 42 facilitators to implement the ICDP in their community. Inspired by the success of the ICDP in other villages, Lobatse Town Council took this proactive step in June 2023. By leveraging the trained facilitators, the council aimed to drive local development and improve community well-being.

Read the full report here.