
ICDP has given the exclusive right to offer certified courses in ICDP to three organizations only: 

UCN act2learn (University College North)

Dansk Center for ICDP

The Institute of Relational Psychology –

Annual report 2024 by the Danish Centre for ICDP

Annual report 2024 by the Relational Psychology Institute

Conference, November 2024

Annual report 2023 from the Danish Centre for ICDP

Report 2023 from UCN

Report 2023 by the Institute for Relational Psychology

The University College North (UCN): “The work in 2021 was greatly affected by COVID-19. As an educational institution, we chose to maintain the need for physical presence in the work with ICDP, however, this meant that there were many cancellations and postponements of our teaching activities. In November 2021, the Danish ICDP providers collaborated on a Nordic conference with Kenneth Gergen as the main speaker, but unfortunately, we had to cancel this due to COVID- 19. Instead, we held an online lecture at UCN where two of our experienced teachers talked about ICDP as an alternative to scolding and disciplining. Subsequently, we had presentations on parental guidance from one of our skilled partner municipalities. Within our organization, we have been busy developing new teaching materials and discussing blended learning in regards to ICDP. Our ICDP courses within UCN have primarily targeted professionals working with children aged 0-6 (children in nursery, daycare and kindergarten).” – Heidi Trude Holm, UCN.

Institut for Relations

Annette Groot from the Institute of Relational Psychology shares an update: -In 2021 we have focused on ICDP with less restrictions. It was such a relief to be together with our students again. We prefer being together physically with our ICDP trainees instead of teaching through the computer screen. We became good at using online meetings and are now considering which parts of ICDP meetings we successfully can meet on the screen. However, we had to cancel our Nordic conference in the autumn as it was not safe for our key note speaker, Kenneth Gergen to come to Denmark due to the corona virus. It was with heavy hearts we had to cancel as we had put great effort in preparing a really great conference. In 2021, we have continued working with the organization ´Save the Children´. We have educated teachers at schools who are in direct contact with refugee families. We are experiencing a good response on the training as we find that the participants find it very meaningful to use the ICDP programme with families with refugee background – both in the interaction with children and parents. We have several trainers associated with our Institute who have resumed teaching ICDP after the pandemic. In Danish daycare centers we work on the basis of professional themes, which have been decided by law. The ICDP programme is very useful in supporting the educators work with the professional themes. There are several daycare centers which are in process of creating a link between the pedagogical themes and the ICDP programme,  and our Institute helps the development through ICDP training. Since 2020 we have been working with ICDP in one of the Turning Tables projects. Turning Tables is a global non-governmental organization working to empower marginalized youth in different global contexts by providing them with the means to press and express their challenges, hopes and dreams for a better tomorrow, through the Creative Arts of music and film. The programme builds creative environments through inspiration, learning and transfer of technology than enable artistic self-expression in spaces where this would otherwise have been impossible.  Having educated the staff in ICDP we are now training the professionals through supervision, which is proving to be a good extension of the participants’ own development in interacting with the young people.

2022 annual report from UCN

2022 report from the Danish Centre

2021 annual report from the Danish Centre

2020 annual report from the Danish Centre

ICDP in 2020 – during pandemic

Report from Anne Linder 2019

Danish report 2018 – 2019

Danish report 2018

Report 2017

Report 2016

Report 2015


Developments started in 1999 and by 2002, ICDP Denmark was founded. The work with ICDP has been ongoing since then.

Early developments:
A conference held in August, with 170 participants, inaugurated the Danish ICDP network called, ”Danish network for relation-oriented and resource-oriented pedagogy”. A journal was founded on the same day. The network is affiliated to CVU Northern Jutland, as part of a knowledge centre for inclusive pedagogy. The ICDP Danish network established co-operative links with the Norwegian and the Swedish ICDP organizations.
Many professional caregivers took a great interest in the relation-oriented and resource-oriented philosophy. This resulted in 35 workshops about the ICDP philosophy, held all over Denmark during 2002. About 10 competency development groups for caregivers, with more than 100 participants, were established. These activities were mainly financed by municipalities. For several years, new competency groups kept beeing formed, in order to work on developing relational abilities in preschool and school teachers. CVU Northern Jutland were keeping them up-to-date professionally on a continuous basis, so that they could support professional caregivers (pedagogues, teachers, health visitors, psychologists and others) in the development of their competencies. In the town south of Aalborg, called Frejlev, ICDP in-service-training included 70 persons working for children at risk. This project was set up as a research study.
During 2006 around 150 persons were trained. In some of the communities such as the Randers, Jammerbugt and Mariagerfjord a decision was made for all future pedagogues to receive training based on ICDP.
During 2007, the team in Denmark organized the Nordic ICDP conference in Saeby. The subject of the conference will be “ICDP and Special Needs”. ICDP Denmark was active in many regions and with different professional groups. Courses included two types of activities: Module I activities which require working on personal relational competence and Module II activities that are designed for facilitator level training. In addition, there were seminars on the methodology of ICDP and follow-up meetings were held for participants who had previously gone through the modules. ICDP training of pedagogues, day workers, teachers and consultants took place in the following “kommunes”: Solrød, Jammerbugt, Korsør, Stenløse Thisted (special school) Morsø (kindergarten) Gentofte, Randers, Vejle and Tårnhøjskolen Aalborg, with 186 persons trained in module one, 88 in module 2, and 117 in both modules.
In May 2008 a new board was elected for ICDP Denmark. ICDP became the professional framework used to encourage teachers to broaden their outlook and replace the individual perspective of the child with a relational perspective. Through sensitive reflection and peer feedback participants of the ICDP projects analyze the power and energy embedded in relationships. The evaluation showed that the participants experienced ICDP as meaningful “technical support for the invisible, but real pedagogical work” which increased the level of professionalism, as well as the joy of working. The ICDP approach was applied in many Danish kindergartens and schools across the country. A book about this was published in 2004, “Relationship Work in Kindergarten”. 
Throughout 2009 there were continuous requests for ICDP training  from different education institutions and therefore the current challenge is to form new groups of ICDP qualified trainers who can spread ICDP according to demand. ICDP  In Skive, the GR Psykologerne Centre was offered ICDP training to professionals working with children age 0-6 and teachers of children age 6-18. The centre produced a DVD called “Golden moments’ in kindergarten”, which illustrates the application of ICDP in the daily work with children. Between August to December 2009, a group of 44 pedagogues working with children and young people with delayed mental development received training. The project was financed by the Næstved municipality and it was evaluated by the DPU, whose report confirmed that it is possible to sensitize professional caregivers and thus improve the quality of their interactions with children.
The 3-year ICDP project for parents in the Vordingborg municipality (supported by the Ministry of Social Affairs) received positive evaluation by the Pedagogical University, DPU. In the Lolland municipality, ICDP training was given to 26 persons, including pedagogues and nurses. This work was financed by the commune itself, with a contribution from the Ministry for Social Affairs who will also evaluate the project. In the Randers municipality a pilot project started to develop in a public library for children, training 24 staff members.  The project will be researched by the university and if it proves successful it may lead to ICDP being incorporated as part of the general training for librarians.
The University College, Nordjylland, and the GR Psykologerne formed the Danish Fund, in order to promote, train and expand ICDP together. ICDP Denmark hosted a very successful Scandinavian Network Meeting 27-28th of May; 250 people from Denmark, Sweden and Norway came to share their ICDP experiences. The content of the program focussed on the theme of “being present in the interaction with children”. The official theme of the conference was “Moments of presence”.


On 2nd of December, the Work Prize 2010 was awarded to GR Psykologerne for the work with ICDP in the kindergarten.  Link to the Danish website with more information :

During 2011 and 2012, there was an increasing interest for ICDP in Denmark.   The general impression from professionals is that ICDP affects positively the lives of the children, and this is because ICDP raises the awareness of the way one interacts with children. The ICDP method can develop the relationship with the child, as well as with other people.   
The University College of Northern Denmark (UCN), used the ICDP methodology primarily in relation to teachers and pedagogues, but also with psychologists, health visitors and social workers. They carried out a new project in cooperation with the Danish National Health Services, which focused on children’s health and well-being. Health visitors and pedagogues received training and examined how their activities and services could best support children and families in the future. 
GR Psykologerne changed name to Institute for Relational Psychology,  and they continued to give courses for professionals, teachers, social workers and psychologists. They introduced ICDP to several schools and training was given to all staff – the training included hands on experiences by working with vulnerable children and their parents and applying the ICDP relation and resource oriented approach. New cooperation was established with the Health Ministry, and as a result ICDP training was given to nurses, who started to use ICDP as part of their work with parents of newborns. A book was published with different articles about the work with ICDP. Karsten Hundeide’s manual was translated into Danish.Two trainers from the institute visited Japan to share their knowledge about ICDP with interested people in Tokyo and Hamamatsu, and discuss how to implement ICDP in Japan. 
Psychologist Anne Linder has been working with ICDP for over ten years. During this time she have gave more than twenty five ICDP courses. In 2011 she published two books. One is on the topic of inclusion and ICDP.  The other book describes the experience of trying out ICDP in a library – it is about the pilot project which tested out this new area of application of ICDP as a professional language for librarians. Throughout 2011 and 2012 Anne gave many lectures on ICDP in different parts of the country.
NORDIC CONFERENCE – On the 23 and 24th of May, 2013, the University College North (UCN) hosted the ICDP Nordic network conference for 130 participants. It was held in beautiful surroundings near Aalborg, Denmark. The theme of the conference was “Slow and ICDP”.