The ICDP programme has been introduced to caregivers of older people in Japan.
Hitoshi Maeshima is an ICDP trainer and a practicing doctor working in Tokyo. He has recently conducted an ICDP seminar for a group of nurses and caregivers working in a facility for older people (on photo above).
The workshop venue was the home for the elderly called Ensemble (on photo below), which is run by local social welfare services for the aged. The training started on the 14th of August, 2017.
Hitoshi’s commented:
Recently, I saw on YouTube an interesting film – The Heart-Brain Connection: The Neuroscience of Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning. You can find it on the following link: I think that the socio-emotional learning is partly included in the ICDP process and it was interesting talking about this at the recent seminar.
After the seminar was completed there were positive comments from the participants. Below are comments from two participants that represent the general feedback from the group.
“I saw a positive image rising within me about the ways that we should conduct ourselves and how we should be carrying out our caring duties in relation to the elderly people so that is really good for them.”
“I was very much surprised to discover how the activity of the whole brain significantly increases when we are receiving enough love, whereas the blood flow to the brain starts to run out when there are insufficient expressions of love and as a result the brain begins to fail working well.”
ICDP trainer Setsuko Kobayashi and I will be conducting another ICDP seminar, starting on the 22nd of October this year. It will take place in Hamamatsu. Several directors and caregivers from kindergartens and nursery schools will be attending. After we made a short introduction about ICDP quite a few commented that they were really looking forward to participating in the October seminar and expressed interest in the ICDP topics. We hope to identify a few candidates from this group to become future ICDP facilitators.