
ICDP in Somaliland

Evaluation report

A post parenting assessment was undertaken for the ICDP parenting programme 2017-21 with the following results:

Caregivers reported that they have learnt “proper parenting methods” since they participated in the ICDP parenting programme.

Children across the project intervention area also reported that their caregivers talk to them kindly, spend more time with them and they have a more open relationship.

Children are reported to be more involved in the household decisions and making rules together with caregivers, giving them a voice in the household.

The qualitative findings were corroborated by quantitative data which indicates that overall, caregivers who received the parenting intervention show an improvement in engaging in activities with their children, such as having meals together, praising the child for good behaviour, showing physical affection, etc. compared to caregivers who received the cash-only intervention.

Read the full Evaluation Report, 2022

Expansion to Berbera district

The ICDP parenting sessions were expanded to an additional district, Berbera, where parenting session were rolled out with caregivers of 150 households.