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ICDP Mozambique has been cooperating with Unicef for many years now. On the 8th of March 2025 a short video was put on Youtube by Unicef, as a way of celebrating International Women’s Day. It is called Child Marraige Story: Esperanca:

Thanks to the intervention of Unicef and ICDP, Esperanca was rescued from her child marriage and was abel to return home and to school.

International Women’s Day gives focus to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women. Spurred by the universal female suffrage movement, International Women’s Day originated from labour movements in Europe and North America during the early 20th century.


Invitation to a Sharing Community meeting on 17th of December, 14.00 Norwegian time

Dear friends, colleagues, members of ICDP in Asia, Africa and the Americas, 

You are all warmly invited to an ICDP Sharing Community webinar. This is our third such event. See details below the text of this invitation. This time we are going to be in Colombia, and we are going to hear from Abel Salazar, after a short introduction by me. Abel has over the 25 years developed many ICDP projects, including with caregivers of older people – but this time he will be talking about his work in a poor village in Antioquia, a project called “Women with a soul”. His presentation will be 15 minutes long.The meeting is one and a half hours and after the presentation there will be time for questions and further discussion and sharing.This time we will be all together, Spanish and English speaking colleagues from Africa, Asia and Latin America. ICDP board member Guillermo Navas will kindly help us with the translations. 
I look forward to our webinar chat soon!

Warm wishes to all from Nicoletta

PS: When we first started ICDP in Colombia, UNICEF made the following video, which may be of interest even though it is from a long while ago:

or you can use this link to the video:


W e l c o m e to the ICDP webinar: Success factors in ICDP implementation in Colombia and presentation of the project “Women with a Soul”

Date: 17 December 2024

Time: 14.00 pm CEST (Norwegian time) 

To attend this new event, please follow the steps described below:

1. Click on the following link:

(Then at the top of the page that will open you may see your local time of the meeting)

2. Next under the heading “Choose ticket” click on the + sign to get a ticket for free

3. After that you will be asked to fill in a few details (your name, email, etc.) to register for the event

4. This will be followed by an email that will be sent to you later confirming your registration. Another email will be sent the day before the event providing you with the direct link you need to follow on the 17th December to join the event on ICDP in Colombia.

5. And in addition, a reminder will be sent to you again via email a little before the meeting on the 17th of December with the direct link to the meeting.

6. We will be using Zoom this time.


Queridos amigos, colegas y miembros del ICDP en Asia, África y América, 

Están todos cordialmente invitados a un seminario web de ICDP Sharing Community. Este es nuestro tercer evento de este tipo. Ver detalles debajo del texto de esta invitación. Esta vez vamos a estar en Colombia y vamos a escuchar a Abel Salazar, después de una breve introducción mía. A lo largo de 25 años, Abel ha desarrollado muchos proyectos ICDP, incluso con cuidadores de personas mayores, pero esta vez hablará de su trabajo en un pueblo pobre de Antioquia, un proyecto llamado “Mujeres con alma”.  Su presentación durará 15 minutos. La reunión durará una hora y media y después de la presentación habrá tiempo para preguntas y más debates e intercambios. Esta vez estaremos todos juntos, colegas de habla hispana e inglesa de África, Asia y América Latina. Guillermo Navas, miembro de la junta directiva de ICDP, tendrá la amabilidad de ayudarnos con las traducciones. 

¡Espero con ansias nuestro chat del seminario web pronto!

Cálidos deseos para todos de parte de Nicoletta

PD: Cuando iniciamos ICDP en Colombia, UNICEF hizo el siguiente video, que puede ser de interés aunque es de hace mucho tiempo:

or you can use this link to the video:

B i e n v e n i d o s  al webinar ICDP: Factores de éxito en la implementación del ICDP en Colombia y presentación del proyecto “Mujeres con Alma”

Fecha: 17 de diciembre de 2024

Hora: 14.00 h CEST (hora de Noruega) 

Para asistir a este nuevo evento, siga los pasos que se describen a continuación:

1. Haga clic en el siguiente enlace:

(Luego, en la parte superior de la página que se abrirá, podrá ver la hora local de la reunión)

2. A continuación, bajo el título “Elegir entrada”, haga clic en el signo + para obtener una entrada gratis.

3. Después de eso, se le pedirá que complete algunos detalles (su nombre, correo electrónico, etc.) para registrarse en el evento.

4. A esto le seguirá un correo electrónico que se le enviará más tarde confirmando su registro. Se enviará otro correo electrónico el día antes del evento proporcionándole el enlace directo que debe seguir el 17 de diciembre para unirse al evento sobre ICDP en Colombia.

5. Y además, un poco antes de la reunión del día 17 de diciembre le enviaremos nuevamente un recordatorio por correo electrónico con el enlace directo a la reunión.

6. Esta vez usaremos Zoom.



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ICDP in Finland in 2022

by Petra Zilliacus

ICDP Finland is proud to present the year of 2022 as one of the most expansive years during our 10 year history.

The Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters in Finland, ETKL, has educated nine new trainers with Nicoletta Armstrong as trainer. All in all, our new and old trainers have completed six Basic Trainings with a total of 66 graduates and two facilitator trainings resulting in 17 new facilitators.

ICDP Finland has also conducted an ICDP bilingual kick-off day for the entire day care personnel in the county of Inkoo.

In the Finnish research field there have been two papers addressing ICDP, one by Melissa Matjus at Novia University of Applied Sciences, addressing ICDP as a programme based on attachment and a Master’s thesis by Katri Kvick at Eastern University in Finland about parents’ perspective on ICDP as a parent support programme.

In addition to the many trainings, the ICDP Finland association has conducted virtual ICDP coffee breaks for members every first Thursday of the month, arranged an ICDP New and Old Educators Day for mutual inspiring, and offered a free “Magical ICDP”- webinar for anyone curious about how ICDP can serve people and organizations in different ways.

The photo shows attendees of a virtual meeting: From the COVID times we learned to meet virtually and the ICDP morning coffee meetings once a month are something we have continued with, even though the restrictions are lifted. This is a great way to check in with old and new members and share the ICDP spirit.

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ICDP annual report 2021

Click here to download the report.

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Research in the Philippines and scaling up ICDP

ICDP chairperson, Nicoletta Armstrong, received an invitation to present ICDP and take part in the online presentation of the report about the impact of the parenting programme that is implemented by Save the Children and partners. The online event was held on the 18th of March 2022 and it was attended partly in person, and partly through Zoom.

The report presented the results from a quasi-experimental (pre- and post-intervention assessment) evaluation of a parenting programme delivered to the beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) in the Philippines. The 4Ps is a nationwide conditional cash transfer programme aimed at breaking intergenerational transfer of poverty by supporting poor households with cash transfers and encouraging them to invest in the health, nutrition and education of their children. This study followed 465 dyads of children and caregivers for a period of 13 months. Of the 465 dyads, 232 dyads formed part of an intervention group that received the ICDP parenting programme in addition to the 4Ps cash transfer, while 233 dyads in the comparison group only received the cash transfer.

Results overview:

1.More caregivers in the intervention group are engaged with their children’s social-emotional learning development than caregivers in the comparison group

2.Caregivers and children in the intervention group also reported a greater reduction in their use of maltreatment than the caregivers and children in the comparison group after participating in the  intervention

3.Improvement in social-emotional development for children in the intervention group greater than the improvement for the comparison group

After the presentation of the study findings by Anmol Kamra, (a researcher and consultant at the World Bank who conducted this study), there followed a space for comments by various representatives from different regional and national government departments, who shared positive comments and expressed serious intentions for scaling up in the Philippines the parenting package that includes the ICDP programme. Two hundred government employees are already beginning their training in ICDP, attending courses run by ICDP certified trainers.

Click here to read the full report.

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Danish report

This year as well, our ICDP work has been influenced by COVID-19, but despite the difficulties in dealing with the pandemic, we have had a growing interest in relationship work over the last 2 years. The progress has been so significant that it has been necessary to involve new forces in our administration and management.

Working professionally with human interaction requires empathy and sensitivity, because only then can we be touched and moved by other people. All our activities are permeated by this perspective and are based, among other things, on the assumption that relational conditions are dynamic and changeable. With the help of the eight themes for good interaction, we can strengthen the good life for children and young people through the togetherness and upbringing of the new generation. We are proud to be able to contribute to this important task through our management of the heritage from Karsten Hundeide.
On behalf of the Danish Center for ICDP
Anne Linder and Jens Linder

Click here to read the full report about the activities in Denmark in 2021

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News from Pargas

In the small village of Pargas in the south west of Finland, a new group of local professionals completed their training in the ICDP basic programme and received their certificates on the 11th of November, 2021. The group was multi professional consisting of people from child protection, speech therapy, nursing, psychology as well as day care and school personnel. The course was conducted by two ICDP trainers, the early childhood special educator Jaana Tirkkonen and the psychologist Petra Zilliacus.

“Some lovely and lively discussions were held, especially about the impact of the caregiver’s view of the child and what it means to truly meet the child as a person.” – says Petra Zilliacus.

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Finnish Federation takes a new step forward

In Finland, the Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters has been using the ICDP programme for seven years now. The Federation is a non-profit NGO, their webpage:

The Federation provides assistance to victims of domestic violence; it works on child abuse prevention and offers help to expectant mothers suffering from substance abuse. Their expertise is based on close cooperation with members of the association offering assistance to families in difficult situations, by tackling their grievances and offering solutions. Considerable efforts are made to make the voice of families with children heard and the emergency recognised in the social debate. They gather and publish information on the circumstances of families in difficult positions and influence central government and municipalities to take families into account in decision-making.

The Federation counts on groups of ICDP facilitators who apply the ICDP programme with parents and children. In November, a group of ten professionals who have all been working as ICDP facilitators for some time, embarked on further training to become ICDP certified trainers. The ten facilitators attended the Trainer level workshop from 1-3rd of November 2021, conducted online by Nicoletta Armstrong. The training will continue in person, in 2022.

Having trainers is important for the Federation, because trainers will be engaged in forming new groups of ICDP facilitators inside their networks of care – in this way, the ICDP programme will be sustained and as a result more families will be reached in years to come.

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Growth in the Philippines

Update from Zenona Gread, ICDP trainer and coordinator from Save the Children’s office in Ormoc city, Philippines, where the ICDP programme is a key component of the Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) programme:

In May 2021, a total of 2,008 (1,404 females; 604 males) parents from nine barangays of Villaba (Hinabuyan and Sambulawan), Kananga (Lonoy, Naghalin, Natubgan and Poblacion) and Ormoc City (San Jose, Can-untog and Dunghol) graduated from the parenting programme.  Among the 27 children and youth who gave testimonies during the graduation ceremony, was the 16 years old Jobert Lebolora from Sambulawan, Villaba, who shared the following:

“I see a big behaviour change in my mother because of the parenting programme. She used to nag and shout when giving orders and she easily flared up when we asked her something. But I noticed that during the course of the parenting sessions, she has slowly softened. She doesn’t nag nor does she shout anymore. Our family has become peaceful. My mother and father don’t fight or shout at each other anymore. So, we children help do the household chores without having to be told.”

The qualitative study by an external consultant of the impact on fathers and children of the specially adapted parenting course for fathers, also revealed positive changes of behaviour.

Fathers said that the parenting sessions showed them how to show love and affection to both boys and girls, which they thought was only done by rich families. It made them realize that expressions of love and affection are for all and can be done by mothers and fathers. Here’s a personal account of one of the participant fathers:

“I used to come home from the fields tired and irritable, I even hit the children with a broom, pinched their ears and yelled at them for slightest causes. I didn’t notice their joy upon seeing me come home. They used to meet me and ask if I brought any frogs from the paddies; and when I didn’t, they would get so disappointed, ignoring me, finding any excuse not to do anything I ask of them. After participating in the parenting sessions, I realized I needed to reciprocate their eagerness and happiness on seeing me; and I realized later that that the frogs made them happy, that they liked playing with them, before we cooked them for dinner. Now I make sure to catch some frogs before coming home…”

The participant mothers expressed that they were not just witnesses to the shift in their husbands’ behaviour, but saw themselves as being part of that change. The positive change of their husbands’ behaviour was also an effect of their own change of behaviour through the parenting sessions they too attended.

A total of 64 Family Support Groups (FSGs) were formed as a sustainability and support mechanism of the parenting programme.  FSGs served as the venue for the parents/caregivers to review the parenting topics and continue their savings scheme, “Ang Pangarap kong Proyekto (My dreamed project”) through monthly meetings. FSG savings is a significant facilitating factor for children’s continued education amidst the pandemic. Most FSG savings were used for children’s school needs (Wi-Fi and mobile phones for online classes). A number of FSG members earmarked their savings for house repairs, medical needs of family members, house construction, washing machine, refrigerator, electricity installation, and livelihood capitalization for passenger tricycles, meat vending, hog raising and emergency purposes which also impact on the well-being of the whole family.

Another significant result of the project is that the parenting facilitators organized themselves into a formal cooperative whose aim is to carry on regular updates and reviews of the parenting topics, as well as managing their savings.

Other accomplishments:

  • Adoption of the ICDP parenting programme by Ormoc City Social Welfare Office as an implementation strategy of the “Ormoc City Children’s Welfare Code” for the 110 barangays of the city.
  • During the period between March and July 2021, the roll out of the ICDP parenting programme took place in Ormoc Barangays for a total of 135 parent participants (123 females; 12males)
  • Adoption of the ICDP parenting programme by DSWD – Region 8 as a social case management strategy of the Kilos Unlad (KU) framework [1] in implementation of the 4Ps law or RA 11310, for the whole region per agreement with 4Ps Regional Programme Management Office. Video documentation of the decision by the 4Ps Division Chief was sent to SC Finland.
  • In March 2021, ICDP Facilitator level training was given to 20 (15 females; 2 males) Provincial Links and Social Welfare Officers of DSWD – Region 8 Implementation
  • ICDP parenting programme graduation of 2008 (1,404 females; 604 males) 4Ps parent participants took place in May 2021.
  • ICDP Facilitator level training was given to 150 (130 females; 20 males) officers of the Provincial Links of 4Ps Region 8, as preparatory activities for Year 2022 KU framework implementation of the 4Ps.
  • Evaluations and reflections were carried out of the ICDP parenting programme roll out by the Ormoc City Social Welfare and Development facilitators

[1] KilosUnlad Framework, it is a 7-year modular social case management strategy that aims to guide the 4Ps households to achieve an improved well-being.

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Work with refugees in Stafford, England

October 2021

The Stafford Welcomes Refugees (SWR) Women Support Group has started to use the ICDP programme with some of the families it attends.

Stafford Welcomes Refugees (SWR) was set up in 2015 in response to the Syrian refugee crisis to press the UK to take its fair share of refugees fleeing war and persecution.

SWR offers general support to refugees with their integration into life in Stafford, and for this purpose it became a partner with Staffordshire County Council and its commissioned services from Refugee Action and Spring Housing for the Government’s Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme (VPRS).

ICDP trainer Michelle MacDonald was recruited by the SWR group in Stafford, to provide psychosocial support for the Middle-Eastern refugee community.

Michelle’s background in education and health, and her previous involvement in humanitarian work within crisis education for Syrian refugees in Lebanon, provides her with the appropriate experience for this new assignment by the SWR group in Stafford.

On 29th of September 2021, she has started to conduct an online course, which is providing refugee women in Stafford with an opportunity to share their experiences, challenges and successes within a safe and nurturing space. The course is taking the participants through the ICDP sensitization process to enhance their interaction with young children and adolescents.

In addition, they will be given tools to help them better adjust to their life in England and support their families as well. The role of women, their health and wellbeing, stress management and bridging the gap between the two cultures, are additional topics covered by the course.

The course is taking place over a period of three months, with 12 weekly sessions, conducted in Arabic and English.

WhatsApp is used for feedback on tasks assigned in-between the online sessions and for sharing of experiences around the key topics.