
Henning Rye

Dear ICDP colleagues, friends and supporters,

It is with great sadness that I inform you that our dear friend and ICDP founder, Professor Henning Rye passed away on the 1st of February 2025. 

Henning was a towering figure in ICDP. He brought great insight and subtlety to our work, and was able to enlighten and guide a great many. He had used his professorship position and travel opportunities to spread awareness and promote the development of profoundly inclusive and sensitive approaches to care and education. He touched and inspired many of us in the ICDP world and outside it, introducing many of his students and university colleagues to the principles that are at the core of the ICDP vision.and mission. Karsten and Henning were possessed of a noble desire to translate psychological theories into a useful and meaningful practice that would make a difference to children’s worlds, and this was a sense in which the rest of us founders found resonance and ardent commitment to action worldwide. In my fond memories of Henning I shall always remember two aspects that manifested in our meetings from the very early days onwards, his immense knowledge and his great sense of humour, which brought us inspiration as well as fun and laughter over the years. Thank you Henning!

With kind regards from Nicoletta 

Henning Rye: A Lifelong Dedication to Children’s Psychosocial Development and the Role of Parents

With sorrow, gratitude, and respect, we received the news of Henning Rye’s passing on February 1st. Sorrow because we lost a good colleague, mentor, and friend. Gratitude for everything he taught us, both professionally and personally. Respect for his dedication to children’s psychosocial development.

Henning, born in 1934, started as a teacher before he trained as a psychologist and earned a PhD in clinical child and adolescent psychiatry. He worked as the chief psychologist at Berg gård, became a professor at the Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, and later head of the Section for International Work at the Department of Special Needs Education, University of Oslo. In 2016, he was awarded the King’s Medal of Merit for his work with children with special needs.

His collaboration with Karsten Hundeide led to the development of the International Child Development Programme (ICDP), a humanistic parenting guidance program that changed the perspective on children’s developmental possibilities. ICDP is used in Norway and over 40 other countries and has improved the quality of care for millions of children. Henning also extended these perspectives to all life stages, with a focus on dignified aging.

He had a long-term collaboration with the University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which stands as a monument to his international commitment, also involving countries such as Sweden, Portugal, and Palestine.

Henning and Karsten, along with a small international team, aimed to translate psychological theories into practical applications that could make a difference in children’s lives. This has inspired us who followed. We remember Henning’s warmth, knowledge, and sense of humor, which brought inspiration, laughter, and joy. Thank you, Henning, your life and work will continue to guide us for many years to come.

Ane-Marthe S. Skar and Nicoletta Armstrong, ICDP International, and Heidi W. Steel, ICDP Norway


Newly accredited facilitators in Finland

News update from Finland by Petra Zilliacus:

On a foggy Monday, on 9th of January 2025, a group of nine professionals graduated as ICDP facilitators on the Åland Islands. Eight of the participants came from social services and one was from a local school – see participants on the photo above.

Thefacilitators implemented the ICDP programme with groups of caregivers, and these groups were versatile, including either parents or professionals.

The new group of facilitators was both greatly inspired and greatly inspiring for the proud trainers Klara Schauman-Ahlberg and Petra Zilliacus.

Warm congratulations to the smart and sensitive group facilitators!


Report about activities in Ethiopia

ICDP Facilitator Trainings and Outcomes – 2024

In 2024, five facilitator training sessions were initiated, resulting in 129 newly trained facilitators. Additionally, 25 facilitators from 2023 in Wolayta Sodo and Shasheme, completed their certification. These efforts were conducted across five locations: Addis Ababa, Adama, and Bishoftu in the western part of Addis Ababa. The facilitators engaged with 300 parents and 800 children. Some facilitators are continuing their work with parents and will be certified in 2025.

To support the training efforts, the English manual was translated into Amharic, and 1,000 copies were printed, sponsored by the ICDP International Office.

These training sessions were designed to equip facilitators with the skills needed to promote positive child development and strengthen parent-child relationships.

2. Details of the Trainings

Wolayta Sodo and Shashemene

• Groups: 2

• Facilitators Certified: 25

Addis Ababa (Western South Region of EFGC)

Groups: 1

Progress: Completed the second part of training. 24


2 Groups: • Group 1• Location: Amanuel Church• Participants: 30 facilitators• Children Engaged: 78

Group 2

Location: Ethiopia Muluwongel Church Adama

Participants: 24 facilitators

Children Engaged: 68


Location: Ethiopia Muluwongel Church

Participants: 24 facilitators

Children Engaged: 64

3. Parent Groups and Community Impact

Parent Groups Established: 25

Parents Recruited: 300

Children Impacted: Approximately 800

Parents reported significant positive changes in their households, including better communication and stronger relationships with their children.

4. Testimonial

Parents shared their experience during group meetings:

One mother shared: “This training helped me and my children to have peace in our house.”

Another parent reflected: “I used to discourage my child from singing, telling her, ‘Don’t sing.’ But after this training, I realized how much I was holding her back. Now, I encourage her to sing and express herself freely. I’ve learned the importance of showing warmth and love in conversations, and I’m committed to creating a better relationship with my children.”

5. Conclusion

The 2024 ICDP facilitator training program has had a transformative impact on facilitators, parents, and children. By empowering facilitators, the program has fostered stronger relationships and created more harmonious households, reflecting its effectiveness and long-term potential to improve child development across communities.

Atnaf Berhanu

8th of January 2025.


Letter to ICDP from a mother

Project “Women with a Soul”, was developed by Abel Salazar, ICDP trainer, in the village Santa Teresa, Antioquia, Colombia. The following statement was sent to ICDP in December 2024, by a mother who received training in ICDP:

The ICDP programme showed us that although nobody teaches us how to be parents, there are in fact many tools that could guide us in our role as parents – and in my own life I experienced the ICDP guidance and its tools as very useful.

ICDP made me see my own child in a different way. I started to value him and give him importance he deserves. I realized that his opinions are equally important as mine… that quality time is more valuable than a quality toy…. that limits are necessary but are to be set with love and explanation… that observing and listening works better than commanding … that the most practical way for children to obtain their goals is for parents to become their number one fans. I understood that my role and my priority is to accompany, love and guide, to be a mediator between my son and the world around him.

ICDP has brought out the best version of myself, and this has improved the relation with my son, with my family and with myself. And also with a group of wonderful women who participated in this programme. We managed to appreciate each other and listen to our life stories and build knowledge together. In each meeting we shared with sincerity and felt love and respect for each other.

The meetings were also attended by several older women who endured much in their lives; whose lives were full of unfulfilled dreams. Yet they were possesed of a wonderful quality, a special strength… It was so rewarding to see how ICDP made them want to learn, and how they started to understand about the digital world which was previously beyond their understanding – just like children, they too needed support and guidance about the world. One could observe how these older women started to value and take better care of themselves. They started to feel deserving of good things, realizing that it is never too late. Their enthusiasm was present in all the meetings and they never missed to attend a meeting; their positivity was visibly affecting other participants who became more enthusiastic themselves.

The ICDP programme has brought us together as a community and it has made us stronger. It has taught us not only how to relate to our children but also how to relate to other in our environment, particularly with women. Hopefully this programme will continue to grow and reach more people because it has given us back confidence, hope and a healthier way of relating to each other.

Thank you ICDP!


Activities by the Danish Centre for ICDP

Click here to read about ICDP activities in 2024.

From the report:

The year has generally been stable, with us consolidating the new management structure and working to future proof ICDP’s importance in the educational landscape in Denmark. We have reached our goals for 2024: We have certified a daycare center in ICDP; Published a material package for the youngest classes in schools with a focus on teaching children about empathy through the ICDP program; And held an ICDP conference with a large municipality under the title “ICDP and psychological safety” in collaboration with a large Danish publishing house.

In 2024, we have been successful on many parameters. Overall, it has been a great satisfaction that the generational change is about to take place. With the current construction and the new broad management, we have future-proofed
the work with ICDP in the years to come.

We have trained 478 persons to ICDP level 1, 33 persons at level 2 and 3 persons at level 4.

In 2024, we have entered partnerships with several actors in the pedagogical sector with the aim of increasing our network and reaching more pedagogical settings.
– ICDP and co-teaching – with Mickie Sonne Sunesen from “Nordic-learning”
– ICDP and resilience – With Ida Skytte Jakobsen from the Danish Center for Resilience.
– ICDP and sensorimotor skills with Gitte Frost from the company Physiotherapist Gitte Frost
– ICDP and Nest with consultant and leader Karin Lykke
– ICDP and inspections with Sebastian Damkjær Ohlsen from “Be-coming”
– ICDP and psychological safety with Peter Andersen, Dafolo – a big Danish
We regularly invite potential partners to coffee meetings to keep us moving. Our values are to spread and quality-assure the ICDP program. We do this best in collaboration with others. All our invitations are met positively – we are well-known and well-liked in the educational community.

This year we have published 5 Newsletters to our approximately 2.000 subscribers. We inform the followers about training courses, new material and various ICDP activities.

ICDP Café: Four times a year we invite all who are interested to a free ICDP Café. The Café is for the professionals that work with children and young people and who want input and dialogue about working with relationships and interaction.


ICDP training in the Ivory Coast

A new group of professionals received training in ICDP at a workshop organized by Save the Children and the National Institute for training social workers, in the Ivory Coast. It took place from 10-12 December 2024. The trainer was Aubin Sanou who travelled from Burkina Faso to lead the workshop. He was assisted by some of the previously trained facilitators who have been implementing the ICDP programme with parents in the Ivory Coast for some time.

This training represents an important initiative as part of a long term vision leading to sustainability of ICDP in the country. The national institute hopes to establish a team of ICDP trainers in future, who would be in the position to train new groups of facilitators of the ICDP programme, on an ongoing basis.

Nicoletta Armstrong, from ICDP, gave an inspirational speech in French on the first day of the workshop. Mukesh Lath, from SC Finland, is overseeing the developments together with the local Save the Children and he suggested a brainstorming session on the last day of the ICDP training to examine how the CSSP/ICDP parenting programme could be made an integral part of the Safety Nets Programme that is delivered by the Government.

“The workshop went well. The participants gave their all during the exercises and there was a lot of sharing of experiences. They have now embarked on their first self-training projects which will be completed by the end of January. The second self-training will be finalized by mid April.” – Aubin Sanou.

Read short report by Aubin, in French.


Invitation to a Sharing Community meeting on 17th of December, 14.00 Norwegian time

Dear friends, colleagues, members of ICDP in Asia, Africa and the Americas, 

You are all warmly invited to an ICDP Sharing Community webinar. This is our third such event. See details below the text of this invitation. This time we are going to be in Colombia, and we are going to hear from Abel Salazar, after a short introduction by me. Abel has over the 25 years developed many ICDP projects, including with caregivers of older people – but this time he will be talking about his work in a poor village in Antioquia, a project called “Women with a soul”. His presentation will be 15 minutes long.The meeting is one and a half hours and after the presentation there will be time for questions and further discussion and sharing.This time we will be all together, Spanish and English speaking colleagues from Africa, Asia and Latin America. ICDP board member Guillermo Navas will kindly help us with the translations. 
I look forward to our webinar chat soon!

Warm wishes to all from Nicoletta

PS: When we first started ICDP in Colombia, UNICEF made the following video, which may be of interest even though it is from a long while ago:

or you can use this link to the video:


W e l c o m e to the ICDP webinar: Success factors in ICDP implementation in Colombia and presentation of the project “Women with a Soul”

Date: 17 December 2024

Time: 14.00 pm CEST (Norwegian time) 

To attend this new event, please follow the steps described below:

1. Click on the following link:

(Then at the top of the page that will open you may see your local time of the meeting)

2. Next under the heading “Choose ticket” click on the + sign to get a ticket for free

3. After that you will be asked to fill in a few details (your name, email, etc.) to register for the event

4. This will be followed by an email that will be sent to you later confirming your registration. Another email will be sent the day before the event providing you with the direct link you need to follow on the 17th December to join the event on ICDP in Colombia.

5. And in addition, a reminder will be sent to you again via email a little before the meeting on the 17th of December with the direct link to the meeting.

6. We will be using Zoom this time.


Queridos amigos, colegas y miembros del ICDP en Asia, África y América, 

Están todos cordialmente invitados a un seminario web de ICDP Sharing Community. Este es nuestro tercer evento de este tipo. Ver detalles debajo del texto de esta invitación. Esta vez vamos a estar en Colombia y vamos a escuchar a Abel Salazar, después de una breve introducción mía. A lo largo de 25 años, Abel ha desarrollado muchos proyectos ICDP, incluso con cuidadores de personas mayores, pero esta vez hablará de su trabajo en un pueblo pobre de Antioquia, un proyecto llamado “Mujeres con alma”.  Su presentación durará 15 minutos. La reunión durará una hora y media y después de la presentación habrá tiempo para preguntas y más debates e intercambios. Esta vez estaremos todos juntos, colegas de habla hispana e inglesa de África, Asia y América Latina. Guillermo Navas, miembro de la junta directiva de ICDP, tendrá la amabilidad de ayudarnos con las traducciones. 

¡Espero con ansias nuestro chat del seminario web pronto!

Cálidos deseos para todos de parte de Nicoletta

PD: Cuando iniciamos ICDP en Colombia, UNICEF hizo el siguiente video, que puede ser de interés aunque es de hace mucho tiempo:

or you can use this link to the video:

B i e n v e n i d o s  al webinar ICDP: Factores de éxito en la implementación del ICDP en Colombia y presentación del proyecto “Mujeres con Alma”

Fecha: 17 de diciembre de 2024

Hora: 14.00 h CEST (hora de Noruega) 

Para asistir a este nuevo evento, siga los pasos que se describen a continuación:

1. Haga clic en el siguiente enlace:

(Luego, en la parte superior de la página que se abrirá, podrá ver la hora local de la reunión)

2. A continuación, bajo el título “Elegir entrada”, haga clic en el signo + para obtener una entrada gratis.

3. Después de eso, se le pedirá que complete algunos detalles (su nombre, correo electrónico, etc.) para registrarse en el evento.

4. A esto le seguirá un correo electrónico que se le enviará más tarde confirmando su registro. Se enviará otro correo electrónico el día antes del evento proporcionándole el enlace directo que debe seguir el 17 de diciembre para unirse al evento sobre ICDP en Colombia.

5. Y además, un poco antes de la reunión del día 17 de diciembre le enviaremos nuevamente un recordatorio por correo electrónico con el enlace directo a la reunión.

6. Esta vez usaremos Zoom.




ICDP USA – Best Start for Families

Update by Kimberly Svevo

Our newly named Best Start for Families (BSFF) Department is excited and highly motivated to have joined the social services agency Lutheran Child and Families Services-of Illinois one year ago (officially Nov. 2023).   We were eager to join this state-wide agency in order to share our Best Start (ICDP) Parenting / Parent Coaching Programs, our All About YOUth Programs and also our Professional and Community-Education Programs with LCFS client families and professional staff around the state.  In our first year with LCFS we may have quadrupled the number of parents we are serving from the previous year.  

The benefits of our programs to parents are transformative – increasing caregivers confidence, capacity, skills and knowledge – as well as their motivation to create protective relationships with their children, to help them thrive.  We are thrilled to find LCFS colleagues in every region who have stepped up to partner with us to deliver Best Start parenting programs to their client parents – birth, and more recently, foster parents too.  

The benefits of our LCFS staff training (of child welfare specialists and supervisors, as well as new clinicians) have been recognized and supported as providing new empathy and understanding of our clients.  We appreciate the strong support and encouragement of all staff state-wide to partner with BSFF to strengthen outcomes for client parents and children.

I. STATISTICS:  Total Birth Parent Referrals to BSFF July 2023-Oct 1, 2024.  Note: our programs for the Child Welfare families – parents are 14 weeks long and youth programs are 12-14 weeks long:   

  • LCFS Child Welfare Total          247.            Direct DCFS Contract Total:        58
    • Grand Total 305, not including parents in partner programs.
  • Completed Parent Groups:               92                         Direct DCFS Groups.     31
  • Completed Parent Coaching:           12                          Direct DCFS Coaching.   9
  • Of 247 finished or in groups currently 180                Direct DCFS (with continuing) 92

Recently, BSFF has expanded our work with Birth Parents to begin serving Foster Parents, and this work is showing strong results in supporting Foster Parents to succeed in improving their care of foster children, but also in qualifying for their re-certification.

We are also launching our first Best Start All About YOUth Programs in our new Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) Community-based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) grant July/Oct. 2024-Sept 2025.

Finally, we will be working with Northwestern University in 2025 to prepare a new evaluation research initiative!  We will look forward to learning from and collaborating with ICDP colleagues internationally!


New and important grants received in the last 3-4 months:  

  • DCFS Community-based CAP (CBCAP): 1 July 2024-30 Sept 2025.  This is a unique Prevention Project funded from final COVID monies, with an important emphasis on serving community-based families – parents and youth, who may be struggling but are not yet DCFS-involved.  The goal is provide parenting supports early, so these caregivers can succeed in strengthening their parenting so their children are never involved in the Child Welfare System.  We will serve a majority of universal population parents with this special grant.
  • Dunham Foundation.  This is a first-time initiative by the Foundation to support D131 School District.  We were invited in to the project late and the District is piloting our afterschool Youth Leadership Project.

III.  The LCFS BSFF OFFICE will be moved in December 2024 to a larger space that we believe will serve as a model “Best Start Family Center” for LCFS!  More on this in our next report!


Update from Unicef El Salvador

During 2024, UNICEF concluded a behavioural change study; the analysis of the data from the entry and exit questionnaires administered to participants of the ICDP “También Soy Persona” project for families with adolescents was conducted in coordination with Fundación EDUCO and CONAPINA in 2023 and it yielded the following results:

1. Caregivers found the workshops valuable and relevant to their role as mothers, fathers, and caregivers.

2. Participants highlighted positive changes in their relationship with adolescents after participating in the programme, such as more open communication and a reduction in family conflicts.

3. Some common obstacles to applying what was learned in the workshop were identified, such as forgetting to use the new skills in stressful situations.

4. Participants expressed interest in receiving additional support after the programme, either through regular follow-ups, support groups or additional resources.

Conclusion in general terms is that this methodology on parenting practices is useful and relevant for mothers, fathers or caregivers.

Liliana Reyes, UNICEF education officer


Newsletter November 2024

Click here to read about updates about ICDP activities in 2024.