
ICDP training in the Ivory Coast

A new group of professionals received training in ICDP at a workshop organized by Save the Children and the National Institute for training social workers, in the Ivory Coast. It took place from 10-12 December 2024. The trainer was Aubin Sanou who travelled from Burkina Faso to lead the workshop. He was assisted by some of the previously trained facilitators who have been implementing the ICDP programme with parents in the Ivory Coast for some time.

This training represents an important initiative as part of a long term vision leading to sustainability of ICDP in the country. The national institute hopes to establish a team of ICDP trainers in future, who would be in the position to train new groups of facilitators of the ICDP programme, on an ongoing basis.

Nicoletta Armstrong, from ICDP, gave an inspirational speech in French on the first day of the workshop. Mukesh Lath, from SC Finland, is overseeing the developments together with the local Save the Children and he suggested a brainstorming session on the last day of the ICDP training to examine how the CSSP/ICDP parenting programme could be made an integral part of the Safety Nets Programme that is delivered by the Government.

“The workshop went well. The participants gave their all during the exercises and there was a lot of sharing of experiences. They have now embarked on their first self-training projects which will be completed by the end of January. The second self-training will be finalized by mid April.” – Aubin Sanou.

Read short report by Aubin, in French.