ICDP activities continued during 2020, by the well-established ICDP team that was initially stongly linked to the Lutheran church. The ICDP team has been growing and after they formed an ICDP organization (Red ICDP Bolivia) they began operating in some of their activities independently from the church.
During 2020, the facilitators and trainers of the “Family Strengthening Project for a Life without Violence” received training in complementary topics through Zoom.

Celina Figueroa and Olivia Sulca, continue to participate in this project, and are key members of the team. They are collecting data to ascertain the numbers of families that were reached altogether.
The ICDP programme was delivered in 5 municipalities, 2 rural and 3 urban areas. In the towns of Potosí and Santa Cruz, it was possible to share the programme via Zoom. However, in the rural areas, ICDP is being developed by meeting in person. By the end of October 2020, the team of facilitators began to roll out the ICDP programme to a group of caregivers in Cochabamba.