In the search to improve the quality of relationship between adolescents and their families, INPRHU has taken the initiative to institutionalize the ICDP programme.
The Institute for Human Promotion (INPRHU) in Ocotal, Nicaragua, has been developing the ICDP methodology with all the different target groups with which they work, by articulating their efforts with other Institutions such as, the Ministry of Education and the Public Ministry, as well as withother organizaitons that work with families, children and adolescents.
In 2019, INPRHU leadership made the decision to strengthen the skills of all its staff through training in the ICDP programme.
” ICDP emphasises good interactions based on empathy and thorugh ICDP we want to promote comprehensive and loving relationships between adults in the care of adolescents, that would in turn contribute to the process of humanization of our society.
We provide individualized psychological attention to women, girls and adolescents who have experienced situations of violence. The ICDP principles are being put into practice as a tool that directs this work towards personal empowerment. ICDP helps us to reconstruct their self-esteem and to strengthen their awareness of being people with rights and not objects.
The programme is particularly important for our community work with families in situations of violence – we conducted sessions based on the content of ICDP, which was a very interesting experience, because it changed the way families perceive their children; it helped them to really see their girls and boys, to recognize their children’s capacities and their ability to make decisions as persons.
The ICDP prinicples have also been used as a tool and content of the Inprhu radio programme called Our Voices for Change, a programme that is reaching the entire department of Nueva Segovia. The radio is especially popular and listened to by families living in rural areas – with the ICDP content we feel that we are contributing towards the improvement of relations between adults, mothers, fathers, guardians and their boys and girls.
One of the important exerices that we apply, is the ICDP exercise that asks participants to observe photos of children with different expressions of feelings, such as Sadness, Happiness, Joy, Annoyance, Loneliness – and in this connection many participants remembered and shared their experiences from when they were children, for example, when they were scolded or hit. They recognized in the photos their own felt sadness. The exercise also helped release feelings of empathy towards the suffering of their own children.”
– explains director, Aura Estela.