The big news is the translation of Hundeide’s book into Finnish.
ICDP Finland is happy to announce that after years of struggling with an unfinished manuscript which served as a course book, they have managed to complete the translation into Finnish and have published Karsten Hundeide’s book “The essence of human care: an introduction to the ICDP programme”. All ICDP terms and concepts have finally been translated and this makes both the understanding and the spreading of the ICDP programme a great deal easier, said the Finnish ICDP trainers.
ICDP Finland also informs that its trainers held training courses in different parts of the country and as a result there are now 22 new facilitators who are working with different groups of caregivers. The facilitators came together to exchange experiences and inspire each other at a meeting in Kotka, held in September 2017.
Through collaboration with different NGOs, ICDP Finland continues to focus on raising public awareness about the ICDP programe and its potential of supporting parents and families.
On photo below: A new group of day care professionals, who have just gone through the ICDP basic training at the family center in Pargas, Southwestern Finland, in October and November. “We had great discussions and many of the participants found that sharing their short videos from work was especially helpful in focusing their attention to all the wonderful details of togetherness and strengthening their professionalism as caregivers.” -Petra Zilliacus, ICDP trainer.