ICDP Bangladesh website: https://icdpbangladesh.com/
Report about activities in 2022
Report of ICDP activities in 2021
Report from Facilitator level training in Dhaka
Chronology of developments of ICDP in Bangladesh:
In 1993, the ICDP programme was implemented in the villages around Dhaka through ICDP cooperation with World View International. The focus was on the prevention of nutritional blindness and enhancement of adult-child relationships. Facilitators visited local families to supply them with nutritional information and to convey ICDP messages.
In 2014, a study about ICDP was conducted by Nafiza Ferdowshi, “An ICDP base line study of three cases of mother-child dyads in socio-economically underprivileged families”. It was her master’s thesis at the Department of Special Needs Education at the University of Oslo. Click here to read the study.
In 2018, ICDP was contacted by a Gerd Eli Haaland, a Norwegian medical doctor working in Dhaka who explained her vision for ICDP: “I would very much like to explore the possibility to start ICDP here in Bangladesh. I have seen an enormous need of betterment in the interaction between parents and children. In my work among the poor people in Dhaka I am observing severe child abuse in all its forms in my daily work. There seems also to be a common understanding in Bangladesh that children need to be disciplined by physical means. I would like to start ICDP through the Norwegian mission organization called Normission. They have worked in Bangladesh for more than 50 years and they have a broad outreach trough schools, hostels, churches and different development projects.”
Several months later, Gerd Eli Haaland already started to work on her vision and went through the first stage of ICDP training. In October 2019, she attended the ICDP training in Dungarpur, India, conducted by Nicoletta Armstrong, which enabled her to start implementing ICDP with her first parent group in Dhaka over the coming months. She continued her training up to trainer level, which she achieved in 2020. A group of professionals from five different organizations embarked on their ICDP Facilitator level training in Dhaka, in January 2020, with Gerd Eli as their trainer.