A new ICDP project is starting to develop in Tebaida, Quindío, Colombia.
Carmen Lucia Andrade, the leader of ICDP Colombia made a presentation of the ICDP programme to the Association of Agricultural Workers of the Tebaida town who afterwards expressed keen interest to participate in the ICDP training. They felt that the ICDP psychosocial programme could play an important role in their organization by strengthening positive relationships, dialogue and good treatment within the families.
The Association of Agricultural Workers of Tebaida was legally formed in 1964 and it is currently comprised of 300 families. Many of the families live in poverty and are vulnerable, some are displaced and others have experienced violence and abandonment by the state. The objective of the Association is to promote agricultural initiatives and to support actions that benefit the families. For example, these families are currently attending a SENA course in agricultural production (SENA is a national centre for learning).
In the ICDP project the leaders of the Association will be receiving training as facilitators and through them the ICDP method will be transferred to parents, to help strengthen their caring skills and their communication with children, and to help create family environments where democratic dialogue and peaceful coexistence are practiced. The ICDP training will be given to as many of the 300 families as possible, trying to eventually reach them all.