In the town of Gdansk, two ICDP facilitators, Lidia Wąsik and Izabela Wójtowicz, conducted a successful ICDP course for seven professionals at the GOPZiPU institute, (“Gdański Ośrodek Promocji Zdrowia i Profilaktyki Uzależnień” or the Gdansk Centre for Health Promotion and Addiction Prevention). It took place during the period between the 18th of November 2024 and the 13th of January 2025. The meetings were held on a weekly basis and lasted two hours each.
This was a pilot project representing the introduction and adaptation of ICDP to Poland. The ICDP materials were translated and adapted by Lidia with some help from professional translators.
Lidia explains: “There was a lot of work on creating the course content, Iza and I had many meetings and consultations to adapt the exercises and prepare powerpoint presentations. We also made outlines for each of the meeting and kept a diary. During the course I talked to my colleagues on an ongoing basis and received feedback on how the group was functioning. After each meeting, Iza and I discussed what had happened in the group and drew conclusions. The hybrid form – Iza appearing online and I being present in person – turned out well, but it was demanding. We maintained contact with the group outside the course meetings, sending emails with summaries and home tasks and other relevant content that, for example, did not have time to be discussed at the meeting. In the meantime, I was involved in promoting the program and recruiting new groups in Gdansk”.
The participants’ evaluations were very positive – click here to read.