
ECEC Nepal

“I am excited to share with you an update up to mid June 2024! As part of the project, we are in the process of conducting training of six gorups of facilitators, four inside the valley and two outside the valley. All these groups participated in second workshop, so they are now conducting the eight ICDP meetings with caregivers. In addition, we are training three other groups of facilitators through private funding, and we plan to form three more groups of facilitators during the year. A great achievement this year is that we succeeded in organizing the ICDP Nepal Facilitators Network Meeting outside the valley for the first time! There were 88 participants. We also plan to hold a netowrk meeting inside the valley, this year too. Furthermore, we have developed in our yearly plan, a refresher programme for the ICDP trainers. We have already revised the Nepali version of the ICDP handbook for the facilitators and we started revising the caregivers’ booklets.” – Anupama Mukhiawrites.

From the report by Anupama Mukhiawrites, from ICDP Nepal/ECEC:

A major objective of ICDP Nepal is to increase psychosocial well-being of children in the country through improved parent-child communication. To achieve this objective, ECEC collaborates with educational institutions, local government and civil societies. Since the project’s inception in year 2015, a total of 967 facilitators were formed, who belong to more than 50 different organizations working for children. There is a total of 38 trainers in the country, including ICDP trainers under Save the Children. Through their work ICDP Nepal was able to reach many parents in remote areas of the country, empowering them as parents and enhancing their participation in civil society.


ICDP Caregiver Sunita Buda, Bhume 5, Serawang, Rukum East: “I am 22 years old, and I have been married for 4 years. I have five members in my family. My daughter is now 3 years old. Prior to ICDP caregivers’ meetings, I mistreated my daughter. I used to prioritize daily chores and force my daughter to study by shouting, spanking, and threatening her. I did not validate her emotions. However, after participating in the caregivers’ meeting, I have become aware of my negative behavior towards my daughter. Now I look at her from a positive perspective.

Read the full report about acitivities in 2023.