In India, a group of Save the Children staff completed their training to become ICDP facilitators.
Save the Children has been developing projects referred to as Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) in a number of countries. CSSP encompasses child-focused or family-based social programmes that directly or indirectly address children’s needs and rights through a combination of economic support but also complementary interventions with the aim of improving child development and ensuring that social protection is child-sensitive.
In the Dungarpur district, India, an CSSP project has been developing since 2011 and this year ICDP was added to it. One of the key interventions of the project is based around developing improved caregiving skills with families that receive cash support from the government for taking care of orphaned children and ICDP is now being used in this context.
The ICDP training has been ongoing since the beginning of 2017 and on the 26th of October 2017 the first group of twelve facilitators received their ICDP diplomas from Nicoletta Armstrong, their trainer (see photo above).
Most of the facilitators are working with groups of parents in poor villages around Dungarpur (see photo below), and two facilitators have implemented ICDP with their colleagues in the Save the Children office in Delhi. The ICDP work has been showing promising results. Some of the facilitators will continue the ICDP process to reach the ICDP trainer level.