ACARI, a private development organization based in Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil has been working with the ICDP programme since 2010.
Currently ACARI is carrying out a project in cooperation with KINDERNOTHILFE to combat domestic violence against children – this work will continue until 2021.
The objectives of the project include the elaboration of a self-protection methodology for children, family orientation work, network coordination and institutional strengthening.
As part of this project the ICDP trainers at ACARI formed 15 new ICDP facilitators. The ICDP booklet for caregivers was especially produced and published for use by the 70 families that have been attending ICDP sessions. Over the next three years the ICDP facilitators will be reaching out and training new families in the community of Juazeiro.
In addition to this project, ACARI have prepared three new ICDP project applications, still in the pipeline:
1. An ICDP project in partnership with the Petrolina Education Department, training teachers
2. ICDP as part of child protection initiatives of the Social Assistance Services
3. ICDP for families and children at risk, in partnership with the NGO in Fortaleza, called IFAN
ACARI website: