
Letter to ICDP from a mother

Project “Women with a Soul”, was developed by Abel Salazar, ICDP trainer, in the village Santa Teresa, Antioquia, Colombia. The following statement was sent to ICDP in December 2024, by a mother who received training in ICDP:

The ICDP programme showed us that although nobody teaches us how to be parents, there are in fact many tools that could guide us in our role as parents – and in my own life I experienced the ICDP guidance and its tools as very useful.

ICDP made me see my own child in a different way. I started to value him and give him importance he deserves. I realized that his opinions are equally important as mine… that quality time is more valuable than a quality toy…. that limits are necessary but are to be set with love and explanation… that observing and listening works better than commanding … that the most practical way for children to obtain their goals is for parents to become their number one fans. I understood that my role and my priority is to accompany, love and guide, to be a mediator between my son and the world around him.

ICDP has brought out the best version of myself, and this has improved the relation with my son, with my family and with myself. And also with a group of wonderful women who participated in this programme. We managed to appreciate each other and listen to our life stories and build knowledge together. In each meeting we shared with sincerity and felt love and respect for each other.

The meetings were also attended by several older women who endured much in their lives; whose lives were full of unfulfilled dreams. Yet they were possesed of a wonderful quality, a special strength… It was so rewarding to see how ICDP made them want to learn, and how they started to understand about the digital world which was previously beyond their understanding – just like children, they too needed support and guidance about the world. One could observe how these older women started to value and take better care of themselves. They started to feel deserving of good things, realizing that it is never too late. Their enthusiasm was present in all the meetings and they never missed to attend a meeting; their positivity was visibly affecting other participants who became more enthusiastic themselves.

The ICDP programme has brought us together as a community and it has made us stronger. It has taught us not only how to relate to our children but also how to relate to other in our environment, particularly with women. Hopefully this programme will continue to grow and reach more people because it has given us back confidence, hope and a healthier way of relating to each other.

Thank you ICDP!