Ivory Coast

Article about ICDP, 31 July 2024

Update October 2023.

ICDP developments started in 2022. The first training in the ICDP programme took place in Bondoukou and Tanda and it represents a new initiative by Save the Children (SC).

The Ivory Coast is the seventh country where the ICDP programme is used as a central part of the of Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) programme rolled out by SC.

The aim of the training is to form social actors, SC staff and staff of its Rising Sun partner as ICDP facilitators. The workshop was held in October 2022 and it was conducted by ICDP trainers Alimata Sidibe and Aubin Sanou, who were both trained previoursly in Burkina Faso by Nicoletta Armstrong. 

Click here to read the workshop report in French and English.