
Facilitators take up new group in South Africa

The Ububele Educational and Psychotherapy Trust, based in Johannesburg - counts on a team of 13 ICDP facilitators since 2021.

Founded in 2000, Ububele has developed models of community-based mental health care to address the emotional trauma of South Africa’s past, the ongoing mental and physical effects of the cycle of poverty and the daily challenges faced by individuals, families and communities. The Ububele integrated ICDP as one of their activities to strengthen child and family mental health in the township of Alexandra – a densely populated, impoverished community with a myriad of challenges.

By May 2022 five new groups of parents started to receive the ICDP course: two are run in Alexandra and three groups, with 16 parents in each group, are run through Ububele partnership with the Field Band Foundation (FBF).

FBF is a South African national non-profit organization that has reached more than 40,000 youth since its inception in 1997. Modelled initially on the American-style marching band, the FBF’s performance style, choreography, rehearsal techniques, and uniforms draw on local traditions and practices resulting in a uniquely South African musical phenomenon.

The Field Band Foundation creates opportunities for the development and self- empowerment of young people through participation in music. The parents of the young FBF participants started to attend ICDP courses in 2022. Due to the positive reception of the ICDP programme, more groups are in planning for the rest of the year.

The photo above the text is of the group from Rays of Hope, who completed their ICDP course on the 12th of May 2022.