
ICDP started to develop in Peru in 2009.  Ana Sofia Mazzini and Honorata Herrera received training during the year and they implemented ICDP with groups of parents with positive results, which led to their certification as ICDP trainers in 2010. 

They also carried out an ICDP course and trained a group of nurses at the Essalud hospital in Lima; the nurses planned to incorporate ICDP in their work with expectant mothers.  

ICDP Peru was registered as an NGO and in order to further expand the ICDP method, they made with UNICEF in Lima – who showed interest to support future developments. There were meetings with UNICEF and the representatives of the Wawawasi network. A tentative plan for cooperation was established.

During 2010 and 2011,  ICDP Peru established a successful cooperation with the KALLPA organization. Courses were given to KALLPA community workers who were trained to become ICDP facilitators. The ICDP  programme was implemented with families in the poor area called SangararĂ¡, near Cusco. KALLPA has continued to train in 2011 reaching 800 families in the Cusco area. On the 2nd of July 2011 an ICDP certification ceremony was held in Cusco for a group of new facilitators. ICDP Peru invited them to receive their ICDP Diplomas. 

In 2012, new cooperation was  established with the DREC education network for the training of teachers. A group of over 100 teachers from DREC (governement education network) attended an introductory workshop which took place during the first week of July. As a result 45 teachers signed up to receive full ICDP training.

ICDP is starting a training programme at the Garcilaso de la Vega University in Lima, Peru. On the 14th of May 2015, ICDP and the University signed an agreement for cooperation. It was agreed to include ICDP as part of thecurriculum of the student nurses attending the Garcilaso de la Vega University. The primary care networks are in constant contact with the families from the community, and the ICDP programme will be part of their activities aimed at promoting quality care, prevention of domestic violence and respect for children’s rights. The signing of the agreement took place in the office of the university chancellor, Luis Cervantes Linan. The other signatories included the ICDP president Nicoletta Armstrong, ICDP Peru representative Ana Sofia Mazzini Salom, and the dean of the faculty of nursing Sonia Gonzales Vela.

New developments in 2016

Reserach project in Peru – 2018

Article about the Wawa Illari research project published in 2020

During 2021, Ana Sofia Mazzini started to explore possibilities of delivering ICDP by working with families at risk, as well as running courses for more well to do families in the capital Lima.

In 2022, Honorata Herrera, ICDP trainer created a programme especially designed for working with incarcerated parents, using artistic expression in addition to ICDP.

In 2024, her project received good reception from incarcerated mothers. Read Honorata’s notes from this work.