
Case study 2023 Report 2023

Report about development in 2020

Developments in 2021 and 2022 Evaluation results, 2022


ICDP  trained 19 staff members of Save the Children (SCI), JCTR (local NGO partner) in the CSSP project and members of the Community Welfare Assistance Commiitttes (CWAC). They were trained as ICDP facilitators. the first workshop was conducted by Nicoletta Armstrong during in July and the second in October 2019.

According to Save the Children Zambia: 

“The ICDP programme’s core principles will serve as the foundation for promoting sensitivity towards the needs and rights of children among parents and caregivers in the Child Sensitive Social Protection Project (CSSP) project in Lufwanyama. The ICDP programme with its series of parenting session will be contextualized to the local situation. 

The findings from the KAP study undertaken by Save the Children in Lufwanyama clearly suggests and  reinforces the need for implementing “parenting” as a key complementary intervention to the existing Social Cash Transfer in order to achieve the objectives of the CSSP project and to ensure that SCT can lead to positive outcomes for children, especially those  from the most deprived and marginalized households. 

The aim is for the ICDP programme to be well planned, designed and implemented in a way that would create a strong appetite for its uptake and replication among other actors/ donors/ government departments and Ministries in Zambia working with Social Protection.”


In 2015, ICDP signed a training agreement with the Primary Health Care Education and Training Trust (PHC-ETT) in Lusaka, Zambia. Their main concern is reaching people who lack the resources to access and obtain quality health care services. 

PHC-ETT is a non for profit organization established in Zambia, in 2008, with the following mission statement:  To advance opportunities that help to build strong community health and well being responses and to helping making life better.  Webpage:

Their activities focus on two aspects: 1. Enhancing the delivery of primary healthcare related services through training and outreach activities. 2. Providing capacity building opportunities that are aimed bettering the quality and living standards of the  disadvantaged and key population groups.

Through collaboration with the ICDP programme the PHC-ETT embarked on an ICDP training programme to help parents from diverse backgrounds develop positive relationships with their children. The aim is to help build a foundation for positive moral growth of children, including the ability for self-regulation. 

This project also trains teachers with the view of transmitting the ICDP skills to students in schools and higher educational institutions.