Training and evaluation
The point of ICDP training is to build competence and confidence in the members of an existing child caring system and to withdraw after some time having transfered the project to the local resource persons.ICDP is a programme which is implemented in practice by children’s caregivers. The ICDP programme implementation should be sufficiently cheap so that it can be taken over by the local community. As an alternative to guarding useful knowledge in professionalized monopolies, professionals could become promoters of preventive education within their sphere of knowledge, encouraging the local population to believe in their ability to control their lives and to acquire the skills that are needed. They could provide opportunities and challenges for people to display and practice their talents, selecting the best ones and training and supervising them to function practically within their sphere of competence. This would mean empowering communities to deal with their own problems on a large scale. – Karsten Hundeide
ICDP terms and agreements for cooperation
ICDP basic training procedures
In 2010, professor Karsten Hundeide finalized his latest version of the handbook for the ICDP programme. Several versions have been developed over the years, but this latest one was meant to be the basic tool for international use. The manual consists of two booklets; part one is about the ICDP programme and part two focuses on the implementation of it. It is available from ICDP. A DVD, containing a set of materials is also used in connection with ICDP international training.
ICDP MOCHILA “Tambien soy persona”, is a set of materials which were developed by Nicoletta Armstrong with support from UNICEF; it is an adapted version for implementation in large scale projects in Latin America and it is available from ICDP on request. It was published by UNICEF Colombia in 2003.
ICDP offers training workshops to those who wish to implement the ICDP programme.
The training in ICDP includes workshops and practical work; in between the workshops trainees are asked to try out the ICDP programme in practice with a small group of caregivers. ICDP workshops are best held for no more than 25 participants. The training is at two levels: Facilitator and Trainer.
The two levels in training are linked: the first level of training leads to accreditation as ICDP Facilitator and the second level of training builds on the first level experience for those who continue to become ICDP trainers.

An ICDP Facilitator has the competence to implement the ICDP programme with caregivers. An ICDP Trainer has the competence to train new facilitators, and to supervise and support their work with caregivers.
This questionnaire was designed for use by any partner organization that is implementing ICDP; the questionnaire will facilitate cross cultural comparison studies. This questionnaire is also available in Spanish. (see section on Evaluation on this webpage)
The impact of the ICDP programme has been evaluated in a number of countries – see evaluation studies on the “download” page on this website.A comprehensive list of ICDP evaluation studies can also be found on the same “download” page, in the document called “ICDP Evaluation Matrix 2016”.
It is ICDP policy to evaluate its work, both internally and externally. ICDP cooperates with a team of professional researchers linked to the Oslo and London universities.
In 2012, partnership was also been established with Confirmit who have provided ICDP with a high quality tool for on-line data collection.
Before ICDP is implemented in a new community, it is important to explore the needs of the community through interviews with key informants, in order to map the local situation.
ICDP workshops and field training are evaluated, through questionnaires, checklists and evaluative discussions at meetings at every level (with trainers, facilitators and caregivers).
The ICDP programme has an inbuilt system for monitoring the quality of implementation and the effects of the sensitization process on caregivers. Facilitators apply self monitoring check-lists and keep diaries of their meetings with caregivers, and these are also used in meetings between the facilitators and their supervisors as basis for analysis of the work in progress.
External evaluation of ICDP projects is done by professionals and students, usually from a local university. ICDP has developed a standard questionnaire for use in ICDP projects worldwide.
The process of assimilation of the ICDP methodology by its participant caregivers has in some projects been evaluated through case studies. Evaluation aimed at seeing how the program is received by those who were trained was carried out in some projects through focus group interviews and questionnaires, adapted according to the context.
Scientific evaluations were conducted in several countries with positive results.
Donor organisations have sometimes participated in the evaluation of the ICDP process. In some ICDP projects representatives of sponsor organizations became actively involved on ICDP project steering committees.