
Rita Crecelius is the ICDP Germany leader and ICDP trainer. Her organization is the only provder authorized by ICDP to train and certify in ICDP. The ICDP team is currently (in 2019 and 2020) mostly focusing on giving ICDP training for childcare workers, but the vision is wider and includes many other groups, as well as for carers of older people. Link to their website:

Update 2025

Report 2023

Update 2022

Report 2021

First day care team trained

Carers of older people welcome ICDP

Update from December 2020

Update from February 2020

In April 2019, Rita visited England upon invitation by ICDP to meet several ICDP trainers and later in the same year, she visited ICDP in Denmark; she also met two Danish colleagues, Anne Linder and Kathrine Jürgensen in Hamburg to exchange ideas.

In 2018 and 2019, she had the opportunity to train more caregivers and at the same time, one of the main emphasis of her work has been on awareness raising about ICDP by giving talks and lectures on the programme. Step by step she succeeded in creating a strong structure, gathering a professional team that can forward the cause of ICDP in well managed cooperation and partnership with local organizations. 

 In 2017, ICDP started to develop in Germany thanks to the initiative of Rita Crecelius.

Rita is an ICDP trainer and psychologist with many years of professional experience in the area of disability, family, trauma and addiction. She was introduced to ICDP in Nepal.

Upon return to Germany she gave an ICDP course over 8 weeks in Hameln. Participants (on photo above) included two mothers and four professionals (three caregivers of special needs children and one childminder). This was the first ICDP course for caregivers to ever take place in Germany. 

 “We had a wonderful meeting, in which we successfully engaged in building shared awareness, bonding and created the ground for sharing and future ICDP work together. I am very happy to finally get started with ICDP and this group! Some institutions, I got in contact with, are also interested in the ICDP programme and my plan is to offer ICDP training to different groups later on, i.e. parents of autistic children, education of childminders, and caretakers of older people.” – said Rita.